(Newsletter Text:
Photo on Newsletter: Booth at the Columbia County Fair "Fair Dreams in a Small Town"
We highlighted our work with the Dayton School District and the Dayton FFA in upgrading their Greenhouse. We also showed some of our completed projects and explained programs available thru the District.
Columbia Conservation District
October 2023
Soil pH Study Participants: USDA
October 17th @ 7pm
531 Cameron St
Dayton, WA 99328The District would like to re-apply lime to the original 30 fields in the soil pH study. This application will be to the whole field (or size sufficient for testing) in order to accurately correlate if the change of pH increases yields. To move forward, we need to pair EQUIP funds with funds from the State Conservation Commission. All soil pH study participants, please reach out to Kayla Nathanson if you have any questions about signing up for EQUIP.
Kayla Nathanson - (509)-629-0212
Soil Health
The District is continuing our Soil pH and Nutrient Education/Demonstration project. We will sample our largest demonstration, Hatchet Field, this fall. This includes testing the pH of 180 sites and full nutrient panels of 22 sites. A better understanding of pH and nutrient levels will allow us to improve the economic viability of agriculture throughout Columbia County. The Nutrient Management Program looks to balance the nutrients in the soil profile so we can improve soil quality and maintain or improve the physical, chemical, and biological condition of the soil. This will protect critical areas to minimize agriculture nonpoint source pollution of surface and groundwater resources.
Natural Resource Investment Projects (NRI)
Natural Resource Investment projects are funded through the Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC). NRI offers local, incentive-based programs that empower landowners to voluntarily install best management practices (BMPs). This year the district has helped fund a bridge and will begin working on a failing streambank that is threating homes and irrigation pumps.
Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP)
The district is currently looking for new VSP projects! This fall we will start multiple projects including a livestock watering facility and pasture restoration. VSP projects can be many different types of projects, as long as it will Improve natural resources and agricultural viability throughout the county. Please call Kayla Nathanson if you are interested in starting a VSP project!)
(Newletter Text:
Photo on Newsletter: Dayton High School remodeled greenhouse with the riparian plant propagation grant. This project also includes monthly classes taught by CCD employees.
Contact Us
Columbia Conservation District
202 South Second
Dayton WA 99328
District Update
New Supervisor: Charlie Mead was appointed to the Board of Supervisors in March.
The District has an open position on the Boad, if interested please contact a Board member or the Conservation District Office.
New Soil and Water Coordinator: Kayla Nathanson comes to the district from Weston Oregon. She worked for 11⁄2 years with Walla Walla Conservation District as a Resource Technician. Kayla will be working with the implementation of VSP, NRI, and CREP projects and Agriculture Burn permits. We are excited to have another friendly face in the office for landowners to work with!
Annual meeting
The Conservation District will be hosting their Annual Growers meeting on January 23, 2023 starting at 8 am. From 8 am to noon we will also hold our election for a position on the Board of Supervisors. We are looking forward to to seeing everyone.
Agriculture Burn Program
The District is continuing to work with Department of Ecology on issuing Agriculture burn permits to area producers. For Burn Applications call the Conservation District.)